Zac Vaughn is a Christian Hip-Hop artist and producer of gospel, jazz, R&B and will be one of the supporting teaching artists. Zac has been playing music since age 9 as a saxophone player and through that taught himself the piano. He is currently a production mentor that teaches audio throughout the Nashville metropolitan area.
‏Rochelle Smith is a professional singer based in Nashville TN who has been performing and guiding vocalists for 15 plus years and is also a supporting teaching artist. She has a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing. Rochelle has helped many musicians and media groups with promoting their brands and endeavors. Ro has a passion for vocal coaching and getting the best performance out of musicians.
J Pierson is the lead artist and Project Coordinator of The Nashville Music Boost, lives in Nashville and will lead most classes and see to the completion of the project. J is the head audio engineer at the Historical Jefferson Street Sound Museum and Studio, making him a renowned musical influence in the city.


Nashville Music Boost: Empowering Music, Empowering Lives 🎶

In the dynamic heartbeat of Nashville’s music scene, the Nashville Music Boost emerges as a force for change, addressing the disproportionate challenges faced by marginalized arts professionals. 🌟

Mission: Combatting disparities, our initiative nurtures artists, musicians, and producers in districts 6, 21, and beyond, empowering them to thrive in both musical and professional realms.

Background: As Nashville evolves, vital spaces for musicians and producers of color face threats or are absent, affecting income and community hubs. Recognizing dwindling support, we embark on a project to amplify voices that demand attention.

Program Highlights:

  • Supportive Income: Spotlights marginalized music professionals.
  • Educational Resources: Equips aspiring creators with tools through free weekly sessions, leveraging THRIVE grant funding.
  • Community Album: Impacting districts 6, 21, and beyond, we collaborate on “The Nashville Music Boost Community Album” — a celebration of underserved musical talent.


Album Details:

  • Creation: Up to six compositions, including instrumentals and vocal collaborations.
  • Contributors: Teaching artists and adult aspiring artists, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from the program.
  • Recording Sessions: Jefferson Street Sound Studio and HOME, fostering unique music creation experiences.

Event Details:

  • Showcase: Spring 2024 – A free, accessible event celebrating the project’s culmination.
  • Release: Available for free listening, bridging gaps and amplifying voices often unheard in the city’s music scene.

Join us in this transformative musical journey, uniting diverse voices and celebrating Nashville’s vibrant, yet underserved, musical talent. 🚀🎤 #NashvilleMusicBoost #MusicEmpowerment #CommunityAlbum